We are one we are strongest working together in unity 1: Corinthians 12 - 14
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Datchet St Mary's CofE Primary Academy

Friendship, Love, Compassion, Honesty, Forgiveness, Resilience and Equality

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3.

The class teacher is:  Ms Master  (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday)

          Miss Koza (Thursday & Friday).

Mrs Clark is the class Teaching Assistant.



The celery experiment - investigating water transportation in plants

Seed dispersal

In PE this term we have been looking at basket ball skills such as dribbling, bounce passing, chest passing and shooting!! We are now able to put all those skills together

Desktop publishing - We linked our science with our computing lessons by creating a magazine cover all about pollination. We chose a template, edited font, added images and thought about the layout carefully.

We have learnt how to use the expanded written method for multiplication. Some of us used numicon and cuisenaire rods to work out our multiplication calculations which we then applied to our newly taught method

Science - Pollination - This week we learnt all about pollination in flowering plants. Take a look at some of our work.

School Trip - Chiltern Open Air Museum - We had so much fun gaining real experience of what life was life in the Stone Age and Iron Age. We hunted animals, learnt how every part of the animal could be used, foraged for food, started a fire and even turned milk into butter!

Plants - To kick off our science topic of plants tis term, we became botanists and collected some flowering plants to observe and describe the functions of different parts of the plant.

In science this term we have been looking at nutrition. Have a look at our balanced meals

Ancient Egyptian Day Monday 5th December

Investigating magnet strength

Animation - This term in computing we are learning all about animation and created our own animations on the ipads


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Performing poetry. To finish off our unit on poetry, we learned about the importance of performing our poetry to an audience

Forces - In science this term we are looking at forces. In today's lesson, we investigated which forces were at work during our everyday tasks such as opening a door, pulling out a chair, opening a book, writing and jumping! Can you have a go at saying whether the actions involves a push or a pull?

We made leaf garlands

Ancient Egypt - To kick off our topic of Ancient Egypt, we located where Egypt is on a map and on our globe

Autumn poetry - we explored our forest school area to generate ideas for our autumn poems

Datchet's Got Talent Auditions - What a great afternoon we had watching some of our incredibly talented children. Well done to everyone who auditioned

Computer Networks - We made computer networks on our tables to visualise how everything within a network is connecting and applying it to our school network

Soundproofing - today, we carried out an investigation to find out which material was best at muffling sound

Penny Run

Harvest live lesson - We joined forces with year 4 to take part in a Harvest Live lesson where we learnt how carrots are grown, harvested and what they go on to be used for so no part of the carrot is wasted

computing - we are learning about digital devices. We painted a picture of a tree with the resources on our table. We then compared this to using the paint program our laptops and compared the results

String telephones - We investigated how sound is made by vibrations travelling through a medium to the ear

Good vibrations - We discovered that sounds are made by vibrations! We could see the rice vibrating on the drums and we got splashed when we put the tuning fork in our bowl of water.

Science - Sound. To kick off our science this term, we went on a sound walk around the school to see what different sounds we could hear and suggesting how we though these sounds were made.

Story Structure: To help us understand the structure of narratives, we acted out and created freeze frames of the key parts of our class story 'Mr Mouse and the Queen’s knickers'
