Authorised absence from school.
You are required under the Education Act (1996) to ensure your child attends school regularly.
Please be advised that no holidays will be authorised during term time.
If you need to request leave for exceptional circumstances please complete the form below and hand it in to the school office or call into the school office and complete the request form.
All requests are then personally handled by the Head Teacher.
Leave of absence taken without authorisation maybe referred to the Educational Welfare Service. This may result in prosecution proceedings or a Fixed Penalty Notice.
Illness Related Absence
If you child is unwell please phone the school absence line on 01753542982 then option 1, to report an absence. Alternatively, you can email the school at with the subject heading "ABSENCE".
Parents/Carers are obliged to inform the school each day of any absence.
If this does not happen the school will contact parents/carers which may include the use of the Educational Welfare Service.
Late Attendance
A child who arrives after the taking of the register (9.00am) is marked as late and the number of minutes they are late is recorded. The number of minutes late each month is monitored .
A child who arrives after the register is closed at 9.15 am is marked as absent in the register. Persistent late marks and late absences can lead to a fixed penalty notice.