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Datchet St Mary's CofE Primary Academy

Friendship, Love, Compassion, Honesty, Forgiveness, Resilience and Equality

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2.

The class teacher is Mrs Gilchrist .

Mrs Clark and Mrs Wilson are the class Teaching Assistants.

Year 2 enjoyed exploring how we can save money during our whole school Money Week. To understand how we can help to save money we kept a chart of when we turn the lights and board off in our classroom and used raisins to represent how much money we waste when we throw food away.

During our family learning morning, we celebrated inspirational men.

In English we have been looking at writing poetry using our senses. Today we worked together using our school vision to write and perform a seaside poem based on our 5 senses. “We are one, we are strongest working together in unity” 1:Corinthians 12-14,

In Art this term we have been learning all about murals. To help us understand what murals were we looked at famous murals by Michelangelo, Paula Rego, Leonardo Da Vinci and Banksy. Over the term we used a variety of techniques such as printing and weaving to create our class mural.

In science we have been experimenting with solid materials. We have learnt that shapes of some solid materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. To help us understand how tightly packed particles in a solid are we all decided to squeeze into the cupboard to prove their strong bond.

This term in ICT we have been using the Lego WeDo to explore coding. The children had to choose their project follow the building instructions before coding their creation to make it move, make a noise or to change colour.

Today Year 2 had the chance to participate in The Windsor School Partnership Active Me session. They got to join in with different physical games alongside many other schools from Windsor

Easter Bonnets

As part of our history topic on The Tudors, year 2 enjoyed taking part in a Tudors workshop. We used our knowledge and evidence to answer questions about Tudor times as well as looking at artefacts and playing traditional Tudor games.

Today Year 2 got to take part in a writers workshop with author Josh Lacey. They learnt all about planning stories including good vocabulary when describing characters

Today during our Family Learning Morning, we celebrated wonderful, inspirational women

World Book Day

This term in Computing we learnt all about instructions and algorithms. We designed and debugged our own algorithms before adding in obstacles to make them more challenging.

I’m science we have been learning all about electricity and electrical circuits. After designing and testing our own circuits we added different materials to test conductors and insulators.

In Art we have been learning all about self portraits. We mixed colours to make accurate skin tone, eye and hair colour before learning all about cubism.

The Day the Chairs Quit!!! Today the children came back to school after Christmas to discover that their chairs had quit. The chairs wrote a letter to the children explaining that they had had enough!! It was up to the children to write their chair a persuasive letter trying to persuade them to come back.

In computing this term, we learnt all about Digital Photography. We learnt about landscape and portrait modes, distance, lighting and focus. In our last lesson we had some fun editing our photos.

Today Year 2 enjoyed recalling The Christmas Story at the Christmas Exhibition.

To support our history topic on The Romans, year 2 explored what it was like to be a Roman. During our school trip we got to spin wool into thread, build fences and start fires. We then learnt how to be a Roman soldier and how to stand in different formations. At the end of the day we got to explore and investigate different Roman artefacts.

In DT, we have been learning about the different food groups and what it means to have a healthy, balanced diet. Using this knowledge the children will be designing and making a healthy wrap for a school lunch box. Today we did taste test combinations. The children chose items from the different food groups to see if they liked them when tasted together. They had to rate their combinations out of 5 and think about how they could describe it.

Today in Year 2 we started our new text in English called The Dragon Machine. We learnt that Dragons can hide in plain sight and the more you look, the more you see. We decided to go Dragon spotting around school to see if this was true.

To help give us a purpose to our writing, year 2 wrote Horrid Henry stories for Reception Class. Once they had edited their stories against their target sheets, year 2 went down to Early years to read their stories.

In English we have been learning all about imperative verbs (bossy verbs) After reading the story Horrid Henry and Moody Margaret we made our own Glop. We then used our imperative verbs to write our own Horrid Henry Glop recipe. .

In Science, we have been learning all about the Human Body. This week we spoke and hygiene and what it means to be hygienic. We discussed microorganisms such as germs and how we can help to stop the spread of germs. We made predictions about what would clean our hands the best and after making sure it was a fair test, used glue and glitter to represent the germs before washing our hands in a variety of ways. We concluded that we must wash our hands with soap and warm water for longer than 5 seconds!

In Art we studied Turners work focussing on seascapes and how Turner used bold brushstrokes to show rough and stormy seas. The children then created their own seascapes over a series of lessons.
