We are one we are strongest working together in unity 1: Corinthians 12 - 14
Home Page

Datchet St Mary's CofE Primary Academy

Friendship, Love, Compassion, Honesty, Forgiveness, Resilience and Equality

Year 1 Willow

Welcome to Year 1. 

Ms Weerasekera is the class teacher and Mrs Cherrill the support staff.

We have been learning how to play cricket. We've learnt to bat and to field.

We have been learning about plants and what they need to survive. We planted our own bean seeds and recorded our observations in our 'Bean Diaries'. 

We read the story 'The Tiger who came to Tea'. We used the events and the story language in the book, to plan and write our own stories. 



Year 1 Home School Learning 

To access video materials that support the children's learning, you will need to click on the following link:-



Week Commencing 1st March 2021

It's World Book Day!


Week commencing Monday 22nd February
Week Commencing Monday 8th February

Week Commencing Monday 1st February

Week commencing Monday 25th January
Week commencing Monday 18th January
Week Commencing 11th January

Autumn Term Class Newsletter 2020

In English, we have been reading the story 'Owl Babies'. We had a go at making our own owlets, just like the owlets in the story.
We planned and wrote our own animal babies stories. Here is our class display.

Black History Day

For Remembrance Day, we wrote our own prayer. 