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Datchet St Mary's CofE Primary Academy

Friendship, Love, Compassion, Honesty, Forgiveness, Resilience and Equality


Welcome to Nursery Class.

The Class Leaders are Miss Dyer and Miss Street

The Early Years Leader is Mrs Gilchrist.  


Newsletters 2022-2023

We're going on a lion hunt..... 

We continued our journey around Africa again this week. We started off the week by reading the story "We're going on a lion hunt." We talked about how we would feel if we found a real lion and if we would feel scared or excited! The children enjoyed exploring the lentils with the safari animals, retelling the Story of Handa's surprise and some of the other stories we have been reading.

On Friday we had so much fun at the forest school. We drew our own wooden huts and then had a go at making our own using the big sticks, balancing them and adding blankets to keep us dry and warm. 

Our journey around Africa. 

This week we have been learning about Africa and looking at the story Handa's surprise. We have matched some animal patterns with the correct animals and even drew our own animals. We looked at all the fruit in the Handa's surprise story and we tasted them. We liked some of them but the passion fruit was very sour!

On Friday we watched a video on how mud huts are made in Africa and tried to make them using clay. The children cut straws to make a roof. 

Pancake toss!

The children enjoyed flipping the pancakes to see how many they could do. We then went back to nursery and cooked our own pancakes to eat. We sat down on the carpet and shared our pancakes. They were so yummy!!

This week in nursery we had PCSO David come in for a visit. He read us his story about PC Ben and told us what it is like to work as a PCSO, the children had so much fun listening to his story. We done some fingerprint printing, and also made some police cakes, which the children really enjoyed. We set a police station role play outside and the children spent the week pretending to be police officers, they used walkie talkies to talk to their friends across the playground.

Chinese New Year!!

This week in nursery we have been learning all about Chinse New Year. We made a chinese restaurant in nursery, and the children loved using playdough to make dumplings and different types of food. They all enjoyed trying out the chopsticks. The children helped us make some noodles that they all enjoyed trying. 


The children also had a go at trying to write some chinese numbers with some black paint and cotton buds, I think you'll agree that they all did a fantastic job!!

In Maths last week we have been looking at Goldilocks and The Three Bears, we made porridge and drew round our bodies to make Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear. 

Goldilocks and The Three Bears

Last week we were practising our cutting, we used scissors to cut different things, playdough, paper and card. The children had lot's of fun learning how to cut. 


This week in maths we have been looking at patterns. Patterns we can make with objects like buttons or beads and patterns all around us. We found them on  our jumpers and t-shirts and even on our socks. We had a go at designing our own jumpers decorating them with patterns.

Its Christmas!!


Some of the children helped to decorate our Christmas tree and make our classroom look festive!

Christmas Exhibition 



The Gruffalo!!


On went the mouse through the deep dark wood....

We have been reading the Gruffalo story this week and using the story props to act out our own version.

We made masks and carefully cut them out with help from the adults. everyone was scared of the big bad Gruffalo!!


Shape hunt in the garden.


This week we have been looking at 2d and 3 d shapes in the environment.  We went on a shape hunt in the garden and found lots of circles. Big circles, small circles, even enormous circles. We had so much fun! 



Remembrance Day poppies. 


Some of the children joined in to make poppies to remember the soldiers that kept us safe. 


All about Hibernation

This week in Nursery we have been talking about Hibernation and which animals hibernate in the winter. The children loved going over to our forest school to make some dens and leaf hideouts for different types of animals.

Diwali celebrations 


This week we have been learning about Diwali and the celebrations. The children really enjoyed listening to the story of Rana and Sita and we used clay to make our own diya lamps and decorated them with sparkly sequins. 

Spaghetti worms!!


Today the children got stuck into this fun sensory activity, not quite as messy as most messy play but still as fun. They squeezed it and squashed it into balls, helping to develop their fine motor skills as well as having fun. We added some creepy bugs and pretended the spaghetti was their food. We even added some googly eyes and added them to the balls to make 'monsters.'


Spagetti worms.

The Three Little Pigs


This week we decided to focus our learning on 'Our Homes!'

We used the story 'The Three Little Pigs' to help us decide what materials we should build our own houses from. We used the props to re -tell the story and we took turns into pretending to be the wolf, "I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down!"

Decorating pig biscuits

The Very Hungry Caterpillar and healthy eating


This week we have been talking about healthy eating. We read the very hungry caterpillar story and watched a video of the story. We even used the story props to act out the story with our friends. Today we tasted a juicy watermelon. We talked about the seeds inside and if the watermelon is healthy to eat or not.

Watermelon tasting.


This term we have been learning about the Circle shape in Mathematics. We have been using what we have learnt in our cooking. We have made Circle shaped biscuits and some pizzas. The children really enjoyed joining in to help mix and decorate what we made.

Circle paintings

What fun we've been having these first few weeks at Nursery!!
